Our Generation in Words

Our Generation in Words

Even this can change a Pessimists Vibe. Our Generations success and failures depend on the voices of the voiceless and the actions towards anyone. We can only achieve success by what we know. We can achieve peace by teaching good. We can achieve so many things if we open our minds to improving reality than hiding away from it. We are leaders of our lives yet always the architect of our own prisons…

A Man, is not a…

A Man, is not a Man if he does not look after His Family

The role of a man within a family provides structure and stability.

It is the Mans responsibility that the family has support financially, morally and even physically. Regardless of the energy intensive days and nights, man does need rest and at least some appreciation for him to function properly and Maintain a pillar that strengthens family bonds.

Are dietary Vitamin and Mineral supplements recommended?

Supplements consist of vitamins and/or minerals, which are recommended in a diet. Each vitamin and mineral has its own unique role within the body ranging from enzyme activity to muscle contraction. Synthetic vitamins are usually added to processed food for example flour; to which the vitamins niacin and thiamin are added to replace losses during milling, and margarine where vitamins A and D are added.
Even though these supplements are synthetic, they have the same structure and composition of naturally occurring vitamins. However, their absorption rate is different when its presented to the body in a high compact dose.
These supplements are easily available in chemists and even shops but are they really worth buying?

According to E.J.Lean, M. (2006) There are 2 types of Vitamins;
Water-Soluble vitamins (B, C) which have no body stores so an intake of these vitamins are vital in a person’s daily diet. A shortage in this could rapidly lead to deficiency disease.
Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) – These vitamins can be stored by the body, so a lack in these would slowly lead to a deficiency disease.

Supplements are usually endorsed to those who have a physical defect, deficiency and to those who are pregnant by Health promoting roles such as a Doctors or practitioner’s
 The Dietary Recommended Intake (DRI) differs from men and women and from different age groups but the significant difference lies with pregnant women and new born children. According to the Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academies (2011)Pregnant women have a much higher DRI consistently in the coenzymes related to metabolism and basic food and energy production within the body; these of which consist of many vitamins from folic acid, niacin, vitamins B12, D and E.  New born children and pregnant women have a recommended intake on Vitamin D so they can absorb calcium more efficiently to help progress on growth in bone structure and density.
E.J.Lean (2006) however states that ‘Vitamin A toxicity can result in liver and bone damage, hair loss, double vision, vomiting and headaches. It is recommended that pregnant women should avoid vitamin A supplements unless deficient’ as it could harm the foetus. In addition, the Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academies (2011) mentions that too much vitamin A can cause an increase in birth defects.
There are many vitamins and minerals, which have a limited recommended intake to prevent damage to oneself.

Some supplements are suggested but not necessarily essential for Vegetarians as they have no intake of meat or fish related products depending on the person’s lifestyle.

There are many supplements recommended to the elderly. Vitamins C, D, and calcium for example is highly recommended as their bodies begin to absorb less protein through naturally occurring foods.
Glucosamine plays a vital role in making the essential building blocks including the ligaments, tendons, synovial fluid and cartilage; it also contributes to the development and the progression of osteoarthritis.

Overall there is a need for supplements for specific people whose health is at risk such as those newly born, pregnant women and also the elderly in providing a sufficient amount of intake for their bodies to function properly.



E.J.Lean, M. (2006). Food Science, Nutrition and Health, 7th Edition, CRC Press, Broken Sound Parkway, NW.p186-218

NHS. (2012) Do I need vitamin supplements? [Online] [09/12/13]

Institute of Medicine. (2011) Nutrients Summary Table. [Online] [09/12/13]

Arthritis Research UK. (2012) Glucosamine. [Online] [09/12/13]

Do we Need Vitamins and Minerals?

16 out of 35 mineral elements are essential to life. Some are required in large amounts for maintenance and regulation, while others are required in small amounts for cell functions; these are also known as Trace elements. Trace elements are important as they are cofactors for enzymes. Without an efficient enzyme system the breakdown of food products consumed would not provide the materials needed for the body to survive. Enzymes also play a major role in the production of energy (ATP), Most of the main minerals utilised by the body can be found predominantly in; Milk, bread, cheese, cereals, meat, vegetables and fruit juices. All provide the elements needed by the body shown in the table below.


Approx.   Adult daily intake

Functions   in body

Calcium   (Ca)


Blood clotting, muscle contraction and   nerve activity.

Phosphorous   (P)


Energy storage and transfer, cell   division and reproduction.

Sodium   (Na)


Maintenance of fluid balance, nerve   activity and muscle contraction.

Chlorine   (Cl)



Potassium   (K)


Present in cell fluids, similar role to   sodium

Iron   (Fe)


Component in haemoglobin in blood cells

Magnesium   (Mg)


Activity of some enzymes

Zinc   (Zn)


Activity of several enzymes involved in   energy changes and protein formation

E.J.Lean (2006) demonstrates the significance of minerals within a person’s body.

Even though calcium makes up 1.9% of the body weight; making it the fifth highest elementary composition of the body (Nordin BEC, 1976:1-36). The body loses some calcium through urine and small amounts through sweat, the body must maintain the concentration of calcium ions within the blood at a level of 10mg/100ml for efficient functions shown above. Our bones change over time as there is new bone being formed as old bone is exchanged for calcium ions in blood. A deficiency in calcium may result in hollow bones, making a person prone to a fracture.

Calcium Paradox?
FAO/WHO (2004) mentions ‘The paradox that hip fracture rates are higher in developed countries where the intake is high than in developing countries where calcium intake is low’ but a suggestion to this from Chapuy MC et al. (1992) found ‘Among the women who completed the 18-month study, the number of hip fractures was 43 percent lower (P = 0.043) and the total number of nonvertebral fractures was 32 percent lower (P = 0.015) among the women treated with vitamin D3 and calcium than among those who received placebo’


Vitamins are organic compounds that are found in small amounts in food, however the body cannot synthesise these compounds hence a daily requirement is recommended in consuming to obtain these compounds as they are important in normal growth and function.

Vitamins are categorised into two groups: Fat-Soluble vitamins and Water-soluble vitamins.

Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) can be stored within the body so a deficiency develops slower.
Water-soluble vitamins (B, C) cannot be stored by the body; hence, having a low intake of these vitamins can lead to a faster deficiency disease.

Riboflavin (B2) is an important vitamin in the coenzyme functions in numerous oxidation and reduction reactions related to energy release within the body. Deficiencies could lead to limited growth in children, a temporal issue could be where the tongue and eyes become irritated.

It’s usually the small things in Life that count.


E.J.Lean, M. (2006). Food Science, Nutrition and Health, 7th Edition, CRC Press, Broken Sound Parkway, NW.p186-218

FAO/WHO (2004). Vitamin and mineral requirements in human nutrition. 2nd Edition. 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. World Health Organization. [Online] [9/12/13]


Hegsted DM. Calcium and Osteoporosis. Journal of Nutrition, 1986, 116:2316-2319

Nordin BEC. Nutritional Considerations. In: Nordin BEC, ed. Calcium phosphate and magnesium metabolism. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, 1976:1-36

Passmore R, Nicol BM, Narayana Rao M. Handbook on human nutritional

requirements. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1974 (WHO Monograph

Series, No. 61).

Chapuy MC et al. (1992) Vitamin D3 and calcium to prevent hip fractures in elderly women. New England Journal of Medicine, 1992, 327:1637–1642. [Online] [9/12/13]


Benefits to a Mediterranean Diet

Well automatically you may have already questioned whether this article is bias!

However, science proves facts and studies over a longitudinal period of time based over a large sample over many countries may ease your doubts.

A study done in 7 countries led by Ancel Keys consisted of 13,000 men between the ages of 40-59 in 18 areas of seven countries. His aim was to find a link between the coronary heart disease (CHD) and the food consumed by the Mediterranean men.

The diet consisted of four main types of food:
Plant foods – such as fruit and vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds
Fish, poultry, meat, dairy and eggs in a Low-moderate amount
Alcohol – Moderate amount
Olive oil – Main source of dietary fat

You can see the diet has lots of natural, unprocessed foods, fresh fruits and vegetables and there is a low fat intake with a low amount of saturated fats. This was reduced further when bread was eaten without margarine and the Olive oil was substituted in its place.
As healthy and maybe unappealing it may sound, the meals can be enjoyed with a glass of red wine!
Alcohol usually has a negative impression when it comes to healthy foods, but when packed with loads of antioxidants that prevent heart disease and it also contains Resveratrol which is a compound which slows down tumour growth.

Like most modern diets the food choice isn’t as repetitive. Omega-3 oils are important in brain function and the Greek diet delivers this powerful product with the meals containing fish ant various nuts and seeds. As well as its anti-inflammatory properties it is also known to strengthen the immune system. Most marine products tend to contain selenium which has been proven to decrease cancer rates. Omega 3 fats can help prevent the body from forming blood clots and help regulate the heart beat and rhythm. Unfortunately these fatty acids cannot be produced within the body but can be found in many different types of fish, nuts and seeds.

Nearly 100% of the the fat from the diet comes from the olive oil. The olive oil has no cholesterol which explains how those on the diet can have a healthy heart and body. The unsaturated fats present in the oil regulate an lower blood pressure. Garlic and aromatic herbs help dilate the blood vessels which can accumulate with the olive oil and significantly reduce the blood pressure.

For those who cannot breakdown gluten, the Mediterranean diet can be undergone with gluten free alternatives by having whole grain foods and brown rice.

The snack time during this diet can be seized in consuming nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts and peanuts. They are rich sources in monounsaturated fatty acids; and if eaten unsalted then even a small handful would contribute towards a healthy diet.




E.J.Lean, M. (2006). Food Science, Nutrition and Health, 7th Edition, CRC Press, Broken Sound Parkway, NW.p186-218

Moravej,H. (2013) Mediterranian Diet. Lecture. Manchester Metropolitan University